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The decline of the NME continues!
So what's the second headline story on the NME news page on their website today? A legendary band reforming? A great artist confirming news of a new album? Some more news on who will be playing this year's festivals?
Nope, not even close. Today's massively-important, totally relevant big musical news is this:
Wayne Rooney set to attend Glastonbury
Wayne Rooney will be heading to Glastonbury next week, according to his brother.
The Manchester United and England striker’s younger brother Graeme revealed onTwitter that they will be heading to Worthy Farm for the festival this year.He tweeted: "Cnt wait 4 glasto with @WayneRooney. Boozeville yerrrrrrrrrrrrrr." However, just minutes later, the tweet was mysteriously deleted, according to The Sun.
Digustingly, this story was placed above the news that Morrissey has been debuted songs from his upcoming album on his current tour.
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