Tom from the band posted on their website: "The video was a slog to say the least... I traced stills (cheating a bit) taken by the wonderful Anthony Jarman, and the ever patient Sarah Maycock who patiently helped me scan everyone of the buggers in... I'm really happy with it, it takes a while for you to get your eye in and see what the eff is going on but once you catch a couple of things syncing up it looks great and most importantly, I've never seen anything that looks like THIS (for better OR worse haha) so that's always a good sign! So while by blisters on my drawing hand heal, we're also practising furiously for our UK tour next week, and you can get tickets HERE and thank you so much everyone that pre-ordered tickets and made this tour happen, we've got loads of special stuff up our sleeves for you, so these will be very special shows indeed! Make sure you check out who is supporting in your city, all local supports, on the tour page (HERE) and come down early to support them too!"
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