Charity shop discoveries #2 - March 2011

Often, going shopping in Bath can bring quite a sad feeling, as my favorite record shop Replay closed a number of years ago, and is still greatly missed. A few doors down from it used to be 10:15 Record Exchange, a great source for vinyl even though they paid me shit for my unwanted stuff... that also closed a long time ago, and the brilliantly cheap Fopp records also closed after trading for just a few years, leaving HMV as pretty much the only music retailer in Bath, and a very limited music retailer at that (they didn't even have the Doyle & The Fourfathers or the Mirrors albums which came out this week, call that a record shop?)

So now in terms of record buying the only option is a treasure hunt round the charity shops (of which there are quite a few) and the music and film market stall in Green Park Station, near the Sainsburys....

From the latter I bought a mint condition vinyl copy of the 'Dig The New Breed' live album from The Jam for a bargain £2.50, and during a look round a few charity shops, got a copy of Hundred Reasons' 'Ideas Above Our Station', which i used to own a few years back. Then in a bit of luck, HMV had Mogwai's 'Special Moves' CD/DVD for only £7, and a discount bookshop had Snow Patrol's 'A Thousand Million Suns' album for only 99p. both of these were of course purchased.

But it was on the way to Bath when we briefly stopped in Corsham that the second hand shopsthrew up spme real goods... a big box of mostly shite chart singles also had a few mid-to-late 90's indie gems in, and at 3 CDs for £1 I couldn't resist buying:

Cast - Guiding Star (cd2)
James - she's a star
Monaco - Sweet Lips
Rialto - Untouchable
Rialto - Monday Morning 5:19
Pulp - A Little Soul
Babybird - Candy Girl
Shed Seven - The Heroes

As well as also buying The Police's 'Synchronicity' and 'Absolutely' by Madness on vinyl and a Jello Biafra spoken word LP and a Henry Rollins compilation on CD....

A night of enjoyable listening awaits....


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