But to focus more time on my reviews, I want to aim for quality over quantity and spend less time featuring music news here. 99% of all the articles were just copied and pasted from the NME site, so I had no input as a writer anyway. So replacing the constant news stories that used to take up most of the pages on this site, I just have one news round up page featuring links to all the stories once a week.
My work for God Is In The TV also includes my new weekly column, the first time I have ever done such a thing. If you haven't seen it yet, it's called RW/FF and it comes in two halves. The first bit is a round up of what I've been listening to recently, plus opinions and thoughts on current musical topics. In the second half I recall how music has enhanced (or maybe that should be dominated) my life over the years.
As far as SONG FOR TODAY goes, that will remain exclusively on this blog and soon that feature will be two years old. Yes there have been quite a few days that I was unable to post to the blog, which meant that I didn't quite manage to post a different song every single day for two years. But I didn't miss that many days, so I'm pleased with that.
So that's nearly two years without featuring the same band or artist more than once, which was a rule I set myself. But after Song For Today turns two years old I will be changing this rule, since I'm finding it rather restrictive. This doesn't mean I'm running out of decent musicians to feature, FAR from it in fact. It means that I want to feel free to feature whatever song I like, without having to be frustrated after remembering that I've already used that particular artist before. And I can't think of any people in my collection who have only had one good song. Unless it's Babylon Zoo of course.
To mark two years of Song For Today I will be rounding up EVERY single track featured and turning them into a series of compilations, which you will also be able to listen to via Mixcloud.
By the way, my work for God Is In The TV can also be found at this page
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