SONG FOR TODAY: Titus Groan - Fuschia

This band features someone with the surname Cowell, and unlike the useless pocket-money stealing, high-waisted trousered, waste-of-space prick that we think of when we hear that name, this song makes me happy. It will probably make you happy too. "Taking their name from Mervyn Peake's gothic fantasy novel, Titus Groan was a quartet lead by guitar/keyboardist and singer Stewart Cowell and wind player Tony Priestland. 

Their sound approaches the early UK prog (sometimes called proto-prog), all tracks being over 5 minutes long and often fronted by wind instruments is promising, but ultimately deceiving as the songs lack depth. Centred around the great 12-mins Hall Of Bright Carvings track (also a Peake theme), the album was released in early 1970 on the collectible Dawn label Titus Groan also release a three track single the same year, all three tracks appearing as bonus on the See For Miles label CD reissue, being named Titus Groan Plus..."

SOURCE: Hugues Chantraine, Belgium

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