SITE NEWS: 07/10/2012

After two weeks away from the internet I am back. I've been writing my music blog for over two years now, and for most of those two years I was also working in a harsh and over-demanding job at a truly appalling company. I left in May of this year after putting up with nearly two years of shit that had left me depressed and turned me into a completely miserable person. Even after getting out of there I've still been feeling rather bitter about the way I had been pushed out, and the fact that the job I went into afterwards turned out to offer me very little in the way of hours or pay. But three weeks ago I started work somewhere else, and soon found myself reflecting on the last couple of years. It was only then that I realised I no longer had that much to be unhappy about. I've spent the last few weeks getting back to my old self and spending more time at home with my other half, but also over the last week I have been working many hours and earning some much needed extra cash.

In the last seven years I don't think I've been away from the web for more than three days and even while slaving away in that horrible old job I used to update my music site at least once every two days. But having a break from cyberspace has refreshed my perspective on things where I now feel like I only really have enough time in my life to post about genuinely important things, so maybe this will see the quality of my music blog improve even more. Apologies to all readers and the music fanatics who have missed me for the last few weeks, you will be glad to know I am back with even more excellent musical treats old and new to speak of...


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