It's been a while since I last visited the Parson's Nose in Melksham, due to the fact that I don't go out drinking and also because all they seem to have on lately is covers bands.
But luckily Melksham is home to THOUGHT FORMS, a group who are easily the town's most successful export since the Subhumans, and tonight Thought Forms are treating the folk of their hometown to their thrilling onslaught of sound.

Thought Forms were both fascinating and enjoyable, unleashing a thunderous wall of sonic noise. There is a beautiful contrast to the songs tonight, from the delicate ghostly reverb of the quieter moments to the full on onslaughts of distortion. Dream-like and mesmeric melodies echo through the venue, interspersed with distant vocals, furious crashing bursts of beastly Kevin Shields-esque feedback and dirty droning riffs. When they slip out of the haze and begin giving their guitars a vicious assault, the impact is astonishing. The crowd are absorbing every note and The Hysterical Injury are both down the front going absolutely fucking mental. They close the set with a fierce expansive noise taking in deranged primal howling and a lurching sludgy riff that conjures up a terrifying apocalyptic intensity. Stunning and truly frightening, it feels like the volume is going to shake this public house to it's foundations. Two great bands, one great night. Next time these two bands visit The Parsons Nose they might have gained massive fanbases to bring along with them. They certainly deserve to.
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